Hilda Oakley

Australian author and poet

   Oct 27




Embracing the warmth of autumn colours

The tapestries of life.

Perfectly woven one side and tangles on the other.

Yesterday is gone, now we must push on.

As flowers in the garden are of different sizes and hues,

So are each one of you!

Then come the storms.

What can we do?

There is sadness.



Hilda Oakley

Copyright © 22.05.2013





Warm milk with Milo.

Snow flakes, warm fuzzies.

Long walks in the snow.

Sun shining on trees,

Brilliant beams,


Hot soup to warm the heart.

Mittens and scarves.

Sweet smell of pine trees and pine cones

Smouldering in the ashes, glowing, alight.

Toasting marshmallows on a fork over an open fire.

Making snowmen!


Hilda Oakley

Copyright © 22.05.2013




It’s the time when everything is new,

Time to shake off the winter blues.

Oh!  The beauty of brightly coloured flowers,

Blossoms appear after the gentle spring showers.

The blankets of nodding violets,

And the brightly coloured daffodils.

In the park, the lawns are lush and green,

Bright flowers emerge forth from bulbs.

New-born lambs frolic in the midday sun,

Birds chirp out loud, building new nests.

Everything shines fresh and bright,

They glitter and sparkle in the dappled sunlight.

The warmth of the sun,

The freshness of the outdoors leaves me spellbound.


Hilda Oakley

Copyright © 22.05.2013




Summer brings with it the relentless heat,

Everyone is hot and swelters, even late into the night.

The daylight hours are longer.

They eat ice-cream to quench their thirst and to keep cool.

Tongues of flames rage from tree to tree through the forest,

The bush-fires crackle and smoulder in the distance,

The air is filled with smoke.

The dry arid land cries out for rain.

Multitudes of people head to the beach to cool off.

It’s a good time for swimming and surfing.

Afternoon storms move in bringing thunder and lightning.

After the rain, everyone feels refreshed, renewed.


Hilda Oakley

Copyright © 22.05.2013

   Oct 27

Seasons of Life



Autumn is a wonderful time for me,

With the brisk cool mornings, I feel so free.

Spending lazy days in the warm midday sun,

There’s no racing around to get things done.


Staying in bed does have its appeal,

But I have to get up to prepare the meal.

Burning autumn leaves in a small open fire,

The crackling flames flicker higher and higher.


The days appear shorter, though the hours the same,

The sun’s lost its warmth, it’s beginning to rain.

There are crops to get in; there are cows to be fed,

It’s time to prepare for the cold months ahead.


I walk along slowly with my friend Molly,

I’m mobile again, while pushing my trolley.

Though my hair, now, is a silvery grey,

My life is full, I like it that way.


Autumn leaves falling, scattered everywhere,

A covering of gold, beauty we can all share.

I admire the transformation as I cross this land,

I know it was designed by the Masters hand.


Hilda Oakley

Copyright © 27.05.2013


Seasons of Life




Spring is the time when everything is new,

Shaking off the winter blues.

Green shoots emerge, blossoms colour the trees,

Saplings sway to and fro in the warm gentle breeze.


New born lambs frolic in the midday sun,

Their lively young life has just begun.

Birds chirp out loud as they build new nests,

Preparing to hatch their next wee chicks.


Oh!  The beauty of the brightly coloured flowers,

Blossoming after gentle rain swept showers,

Everything sparkles fresh and bright,

They glitter and shine in the dappled sunlight.


In the park, the lawns are lush and green,

All the gardens make a stunning scene.

Everywhere new flowers burst through the ground,

The beauty I see leaves me spellbound.



Hilda Oakley

Copyright © 01.06.2013

   Oct 27

On the Run

Tension was high, as the two opposites clashed.

The powerful Sergeant, the weak, spineless private.

How could this disaster happen?

Shut in with this bully of a man.


He was cruel, loud and always angry,

Demanding perfection, even in these disgusting conditions.

He despised the Sergeant’s harsh, stringent orders.

He hated the army, its rigorous training.


Sam was cowering in a corner.

“Listen to me you snivelling little twerp.

If you don’t do what I say immediately,

I’ll have your ears for ashtrays.”


They were out on night manoeuvres; it was Sam’s chance,

His face blackened and wearing camouflage gear.

The raucous Sergeant shouted commands.

“March properly!” he bellowed, “or, I’ll have your guts for garters!”


Sam, being an only child, discipline was lax.

He disliked intensely anyone in authority.

Detesting and loathing the feeling of being tortured,

Desperation overcame and overwhelmed him.


Thunder roared overhead that dark night,

It sounded like a lion catching its plunder.

Lightning flashed across the sky,

With brilliant, vivid sparks of electric blue.


Sam had planned and plotted his escape down to the very minute.

This was his opportunity, now he must go.

Scampering away from the camp like a frightened hare,

Faster and faster he ran.  He thought his heart would burst.


Gasping for air, Sam pushed himself to the limit.

Wading, waist deep through dirty, murky, polluted swamps.

Up hills, down valleys, through gorges, slipping and sliding,

Twisting, turning, cursing, eventually losing his way.


He was on the run, he hoped he wouldn’t get caught.

For that meant confinement at the barracks and a dishonourable discharge.

Little did he know, the sergeant had noticed him sneak off,

Was fast on his heels, following him in hot pursuit

Dirt and grime oozed through the pores of Sam’s skin,

Greasy, slimy green hair, scabs on his face,

Unshaved whiskers sprouted over his chin.

Shivering and freezing, the pang of hunger struck.


Looking for shelter, near impossible.

Lost.  All the trees looked the same.

He’d learnt a few skills in training,

But was an army lad for only six weeks.


Here would be his baptism of fire,

Prove himself to others and to himself.

Crossing dark, deep, bottomless rivers,

Swimming across to evade detection.


Foraging for bush food in places out of reach,

Stumbling, falling, crashing, plummeting down.

A ginormous tree broke his fall.

Branches snapped, crackled, smashed, lay broken.


Literally clinging to life, he must find a way down.

Treacherous was his descent.

Crawling through thick prickly undergrowth, a vision.

Was it real, a mirage, an hallucination.


A cave!  With all his strength he reached the entrance.

For the first time, Sam felt safe.

Oh how wrong the cadet would be!

His surroundings, though reeking like rotten vegetables, was comforting.


While tracking, Sergeant Amos thought he’d come close,

Lost sight of Sam when he plunged over the cliff.

Determined to carry on the hunt, like a jaguar chasing its prey.

And then, fortune came his way, saw Sam entering the cave.


The Sergeant approached, again Sam felt trapped.

The odds were stacked against him,

Though he hoped luck would be on his side

Cornered in the cave, with no other way out.


Sergeant Amos spat the riot act at him,

How weak and irresponsible he was!

Sam, defeated, ready to accept his fate,

The Sergeant took up his position, bunked down at the cave entrance.



Early next morning they headed back towards the campsite.

Approaching the river, a challenge before them.

The river was swollen, raging and surging.

Dangerous, but they had to cross it.


Shouted the Sergeant, “I’ll make my way across first,”

Tied the rope around his waist, gave the other end to Sam.

Wading in.  About mid-stream trouble struck,

The Sergeant lost his footing, went under.


Sam reacted instantly.

Held the rope with force.

Dragged and dived, dragged and dived.

At last!  The captive set free.


Sam hauled the drenched, listless sergeant to safety,

Urgently resuscitating him back to life.

The Sergeant, gasping spluttered, “Where did you learn that?”

Sam, relieved, “I was a life-saver back home.”


Although the Sergeant remained stiff and gruff,

Sam deserved a second chance.

Sam, at camp, faced court marshal,

He stood before the Captain and Military Police.


Then the Sergeant took all the blame!

He said, “Let the lad be.  He didn’t go AWOL.

I was training him on night manoeuvres!

Leave him in my care, let him finish his training!”


From that time on, the Sergeant’s gruff roar never worried him,

Sam knew the Sergeant must do his job,

Sergeants always shout.

It’s the way it is.


Hilda Oakley

Copyright © 13.08.2012

   Oct 27

Mountains of Peace

Blood red poppies blowing in the wind, they sway,

Like flamenco dancers near the mountains, here they lay,

Snow capped mountains rising like giant towers,

The lush green colour of the bushes and bowers.


Out of the valley, and many mountains to climb,

The view was magnificent, a touch of the divine,

My ultimate vision, my goal to be,

Healed, unburdened, alive and free.


Craggy are the mountains, jagged to the top,

I keep climbing higher, I will not stop,

Crimson was the blood oozing from my feet,

I kept plodding on through the burning heat.


Purifying as I climb to where mountain meets the sky,

Though exhausted, I felt a presence close by,

Bowing my head in this hallowed place I found,

Peace was mine at last on this sacred ground.


A stream went hurtling, burbling fast,

I could feel it cleanse me of my past,

Cushions of lush green moss were there,

A spiritual experience so precious so rare


Out of the dark tunnel of strife,

Came a burst of light that changed my life,

Where was this place, I did not understand?

But this I know, I was touched by The Master’s Hand.



Hilda Oakley

Copyright © 14.04.2012

   Oct 27

Miracles Do Happen

We brought her home from the Adoption Society,

That was the best thing ever.

She was nervous and timid at first,

Gradually she settled down.


It was at eighteen months of age,

That the doctors realised something was wrong.

Our son lived in a world of his own, and his skills were slow for his age.

“Autistic!”  The doctor’s words rang in our ears.


They were exhausted and at their wits end,

Trying to get through to their son.

On his fifth birthday they adopted Mischka.

Their son liked her immediately.


They became very good mates, playing happily together.

One day, his mother thought she was hearing things,

She called out to her husband to come quickly,

She was so excited.


They both listened intently – and heard their son’s first words.

Cccccat!  Nice ppppussy!

What elation and joy!

Adopting the cat was the best decision they ever made.


Hilda Oakley

Copyright © 10.09.2012