Hilda Oakley

Australian author and poet

Archive for October 2nd, 2013

   Oct 02

The Ride Home

On the station, Jack knew the time had come to leave home and look for work. His sheep station was very small, more like a hobby farm compared to the other larger sheep rearing outfits in the area. He applied for work around the district, which at this time of the year was hard to […]

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   Oct 02

Adventures with Molly

It was another ordinary day in Janelle’s week. She’d thought that André’s retirement would bring them lots of excitement. But, two years on, things were just the same. Janelle’s children were grown up and left home. With rearing children, and the burden of a mortgage, she and André had kept a tight budget. Now they […]

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   Oct 02

A Shearer’s Life

Clang! Clang! Clang! The bell rang out from the shearing shed. The shearers one by one, rolled out of their bunks and headed towards the kitchen mess-room for their regular bacon and eggs on toast breakfast. Then over to the shearing sheds for their hard day’s work. This will be a special day for them […]

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   Oct 02

A Scottish Serenade

It was in the early hours of the morning. Tiffany awoke with a start to the sound of the peals of the front door bell. Glancing at the clock, she noticed it was 2.30am. She shook her husband awake and sent him downstairs, to find out who it was and what they wanted. Douglas cautiously […]

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   Oct 02

Pioneers – Loggers of the Bush

Huddled round the crackling camp fire, Telling tales, both tall and true, Of a local rugged hero of the day. He was no ordinary Aussie bloke, But strong, suntanned, true blue, Working hard from morn ‘till night for a meagre pay. He kept the sawmill running, By dragging huge logs from the bush, Utilising the […]

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