It was another ordinary day in Janelle’s week. She’d thought that André’s retirement would bring them lots of excitement. But, two years on, things were just the same. Janelle’s children were grown up and left home. With rearing children, and the burden of a mortgage, she and André had kept a tight budget. Now they […]
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Oct 02
Adventures with Molly
Oct 02
A Shearer’s Life
Clang! Clang! Clang! The bell rang out from the shearing shed. The shearers one by one, rolled out of their bunks and headed towards the kitchen mess-room for their regular bacon and eggs on toast breakfast. Then over to the shearing sheds for their hard day’s work. This will be a special day for them […]
Read the rest of this entry »Oct 02
A Scottish Serenade
It was in the early hours of the morning. Tiffany awoke with a start to the sound of the peals of the front door bell. Glancing at the clock, she noticed it was 2.30am. She shook her husband awake and sent him downstairs, to find out who it was and what they wanted. Douglas cautiously […]
Read the rest of this entry »Apr 12
Jenny and Ivan
From the very minute she was born and placed in the arms of her mother; Jenny was destined to be special. The midwife who delivered her said, “This is a bonnie wee bairn. She will go far!” As she grew, her pretty blonde ringlets framed her beaming face. At school, she was a hard worker, […]
Read the rest of this entry »Apr 12
On hearing a noise outside, Emily raced downstairs. She had been burgled twice before and wasn’t going to let it happen again! Grabbing the rolling pin, she flung the door wide open. At first it seemed no-one was there, until she heard a soft cry coming from a basket that had been placed on the […]
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