Lenore jumped out of bed. Excitement ran through her veins. Saturday, her special time, this was the day she went busking. Dressing carefully in her cream cheese cloth top, a long colourful skirt, with brown leather sandals and a bright head scarf, she was ready for the day and eager to play. Racing down the […]
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Oct 27
Guitarist Extraordinaire
Oct 27
An Australian Outback Adventure
There was a screech of tyres as the plane touched the runway. Then without warning, flames shot out from one of the aeroplane’s powerful engines, setting it on fire. There was a lot of pushing and shoving on the plane. An uncontrolled stampede of bodies forged forward towards the emergency exits, hurrying to slide down […]
Read the rest of this entry »Oct 27
A Shearer’s Life
Clang! Clang! Clang! The bell rang out from the shearing shed. The shearers one by one, rolled out of their bunks and headed towards the kitchen mess-room for their regular bacon and eggs on toast breakfast. Then over to the shearing sheds for their hard day’s work. This will be a special day for them […]
Read the rest of this entry »Oct 27
A Miraculous Recovery
Tragedy struck! It was all too much for Abby to cope with this seemingly unbelievable news, but she must be strong. André and Abby had been friends since pre-school and then later on became high school sweethearts. It was the Year 10 high school formal. André phoned to say he had the flu and wouldn’t […]
Read the rest of this entry »Oct 02
The Ride Home
On the station, Jack knew the time had come to leave home and look for work. His sheep station was very small, more like a hobby farm compared to the other larger sheep rearing outfits in the area. He applied for work around the district, which at this time of the year was hard to […]
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