“I say Old boy!” Colonel Blake sharply retorted, “Are you positively certain of this young fellow, Kai Lam? Can we really trust him for this job? I know I’m just the secretary of the Association, but . . . . . ?” “No buts!” Major Nate interrupted, “Haven’t you read his file – his experiences […]
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Nov 01
Oct 27
“Hurrah! Hurrah! We won! Thanks to Zara’s winning shot into the net, right on the final whistle!” x x x x Zara was an attractive and appealing young girl with a sweet elfin shaped face. Her copper coloured hair which flowed down her back was her crowning glory. As a child she suffered the tall […]
Read the rest of this entry »Oct 27
The Grey Nomads
Bang! Splut! Splut! Ssplllut! The car engine died. A cloud of black smoke plumed through the air. Dry and dusty was this desert road. Dust and sand everywhere. It was in their hair, their eyes, their nostrils. The blazing heat beamed down relentlessly. How could this have happened? He couldn’t understand it. He had his […]
Read the rest of this entry »Oct 27
Tamika’s Triumph
Screeching of rubber tyres on bitumen road pervaded the quiet evening air. The crunch of metal against metal, then scraping, crashing, glass shattering. Loud, hysterical, blood curdling squeals sent shivers down Tamika’s spine. She had heard it all before, but this time she knew it was serious. Tamika lived on a corner block adjacent to […]
Read the rest of this entry »Oct 27
Laraine’s Exciting Experiences
She stood upon the precipice, gazing out over a vast expanse of wide sweeping plains. The sheer beauty of green forests and the rivers meandering in the distance completely took her breath away. Laraine sat there thinking and dreaming about the happy days and the sweet memories of when she was a teenager. She was […]
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