Melanie’s phone call left Tyler stunned, usually nothing upset her. Her message to Tyler was of a scared, frightened woman. Her voice was shaky, bordering on hysteria, telling Mel to lock all the doors and windows and pull down the blinds. Tyler finished off with the statement that he would come over straight away. Arriving […]
Read the rest of this entry »Archive for the 'Short Stories' Category
Mar 11
Melanie’s Mysterious Caller
Nov 25
The Return of Colonel Blake
Kai Lam couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw Colonel Blake descending from the plane. “How did he get out of jail?” Yes! It certainly was him. He had plenty of money because both his parents were killed in a car accident. They were both insured and he was their only child and heir in […]
Read the rest of this entry »Nov 25
Espionage In the middle of the forest there was an old army camp, where leaders from many countries from around the world were holding a Top Secret Meeting. They got their food fresh, daily, so they took different routes each day and had to be careful where they were travelling. When they went down to […]
Read the rest of this entry »Jan 30
Murder on the Beach
James was out for an early morning stroll with his dog Hamish. The dog started barking loudly. James called out to Hamish, “Come here boy!” but the dog ignored him and went in leaps and bounds down the cliff. James had to sprint to catch up with him. Reaching the bottom of the cliff the […]
Read the rest of this entry »Mar 07
Healing the Wounds of War
A loud KABOOM! Split the quietness of the air. The ground shook and shuddered beneath our feet. Eric started to shiver and shake. In a flash, he was down on his hands and knees crawling under a wooden, garden bench. It was a beautiful sunny day. I had driven around to pick up my friend […]
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