Hilda Oakley

Australian author and poet

Archive for May, 2019

   May 26

Courageous ANZACs

An urgent message sent out for Australians asking them to come, Learn to fight for their country ‘til the battle is won, Men from the city and those from the outback, To be taught by the army, the speciality of armed combat.   Personnel so eager to partake in this senseless bloody war, Proud, loyal […]

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   May 26

Ebony’s Destiny

Ebony lived a dangerous life. She loved abseiling, scuba diving, rock climbing, ice hockey and even partaking in a hiking tour of Mt Everest. Walking bare-foot over hot coals was her ultimate choice. Ebony thrived on these threatening events. Other sports were not very high on her ‘To Do’ list, but the following games Ebony […]

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   May 26

Set Free

T’was night, walking sadly on a stretch of sand,My broken heart mended by a touch of the Master’s hand,Peace and serenity healed my hurting soul,Tranquillity given to me, helped make me whole. Looking to the heavens I saw a moon lit sky,Stars like diamonds, sparkling, glittering on high,Waves gently lapped on the ocean’s shore,Here I […]

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