I am a small part of the vast, yet unique universe of God’s creation
I am here on Mother Earth
I am here as she gives birth
I am multiplying
I am growing deep inside
I am crowded within
I am looking for a way out
I see the light at the end of the tunnel
I am born
I am the light of the world
I have life
I am alive
I am energy
I am an idea
I am a thought within
My intention is to create
To bring my intention, my idea to fruition for all to see
I am here to stamp my mark on the universe
I am a collage of colour
I spread my colour across the four corners of the earth
My bright colours divide and then multiply, forming a magnificent arc
I am the rainbow gleaming brightly in the rain filled sky
I am the rainbow found in the mist and spray of a waterfall
The different shades and hues form a spectrum for all to see and appreciate
I am found in the lush green fields
I am the lavender growing wild
I am the bright dazzling golden heads of the sunflowers
I am the blue sky mirrored in the bubbling brook
I am colour
I am life
I am here to stay
I am the secret ingredient that brightens the universe
I am a very important part of God’s creation.
Hilda Oakley Copyright © 10.12.2012