Hilda Oakley

Australian author and poet

   Mar 12

Perfumes in My Garden

Nature wove her magic, a golden silky thread,
Flowing like velvet tassels over my body and head,
Spellbound in the kingdom where true beauty’s everywhere,
Love-hearts of healing, float lazily through the air.

Dragonflies bedecked, with jewels all agleam,
Hover over flowing water, out into mid-stream,
Perfume wafts over the garden, a scent so rich and rare,
Mingled with earthy aromas, it spices the atmosphere.

Weeping willows hang lowly, arms outstretched I see,
For the welcoming branches, bring peace to me,
Scents from pine trees, natural and sweet,
Fragrantly wafting in the love seat.

Crushing rose petals in my hand,
An aroma poured forth over the land,
Riches and wealth growing in the woods,
Capture the imagination, leaving me feeling good

Hilda Oakley
Copyright © 27.10.2003

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